What Can I Do With a Law Degree?

What Can I Do With a Law Degree?

For those who have just graduated you may be thinking “What can I do with a law degree?”. Having earned a law degree, you’ve opened the door to a multitude of career paths and opportunities. Here’s a guide on what you can do with your law degree, including the path to becoming a qualified solicitor through the Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship.

  1. Traditional Legal Careers
  • Solicitor or Barrister: The most common route, involving further qualifications like the LPC (Legal Practice Course) or SQE (Solicitor Qualifying Route) for solicitors or BPTC (Bar Professional Training Course) for barristers in the UK.
  • Legal Researcher: Engage in complex legal research, often for law firms, private companies, or government agencies.
  1. Alternative Legal Careers
  • Legal Consultant: Offer expertise to organisations on legal matters.
  • In-House Counsel: Work within a corporation to handle its legal affairs.
  • Policy Advisor: Utilise legal knowledge to advise on policy development in government or NGOs.
  1. Non-Legal Careers
  • Business and Management: Utilise legal skills in negotiation and problem-solving in business or management roles.
  • Academia: Teach or conduct research in legal studies.
  1. Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship
  • Becoming a Qualified Solicitor: For law graduates, the Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship offers a practical route to becoming a solicitor. This program typically lasts two years and combines paid work in a law firm with studying for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE).
  • Funding and Support: Many firms offer support and funding for the apprenticeship, making it an attractive option for graduates.
  • Practical Experience: Gain invaluable hands-on experience in a legal setting while completing your qualifications.
  1. Continuing Education and Specialisation
  • Pursue further studies in specialised areas of law, such as intellectual property, environmental law, or international law.

A law degree offers a flexible foundation for various careers, both within and outside the traditional legal sector. Whether you choose to practise law, pivot to a different field, or further specialise, your legal education provides a strong base for a wide range of professional opportunities. The Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship, in particular, is a modern pathway to qualifying as a solicitor, blending professional experience with academic learning.

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